In another post I reported about my shitty fuses in my flat that constantly go off, whenever I turn on my power distribution switch for my main PC. It looks like the initial high current that fills up the capacitors trips the 16A fuse.
My idea to solve the situation: Decrease the rush in current by putting a resistor in series, which must later be shorted to avoid any fire hazards. For the first 100ms the current should go through the resistor, then besides the resistor and through a relais.
So lets see if the relais board from aliexpress fits inside the power distributor:

The board allows to set a delay time by turning the variable resistor, it will automatically switch the relais after it gets supplied with power. We also need a small power supply for 5V which fits inside this little space. The resistor must be able to handle the in rush current without burning. Lets take a 10W 10Ω and solder everything together:

Looks a bit deadly, but does its job. But remember, whenever the relais board fails and does not close the relais, the current will go through the resistor, which will cause a massive voltage drop across it and probably go up in flames! Always make sure it makes the click sound on power up and the blue led stays on!
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