Thinking about creating an useless blog about all the things I do in my free time, starting with setting up a WordPress.
But not setting it up like everyone else does, because I dislike running a mysql server in my infrastructure and therefore it’s patching time! Modifying WordPress so it can talk to my already existing PostgreSQL cluster at home.
Thankfully, WordPress and its plugins use the Query class, which will help us to create the sql queries in a platform agnostic way, for example mysql escapes databases, tables and columns with ` while postgres does it with ” .
Any badly written plugins that create their own sql strings will not work with my WordPress installation.
For a long time, there was a plugin in the WordPress plugin store that did exactly that, but for some reason it was thrown out and cannot be installed nowadays anymore.
“This plugin has been closed as of November 4, 2022 and is not available for download. Reason: Guideline Violation.”
But luckily, somebody forked the abandoned wordpress plugin on GitHub and made it work with newer versions too:
As you can see on this page, it still didnt break 🙂
The better known table structure running on postgres:

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