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  • Adding some headlights to my bobbycar

    Adding some headlights to my bobbycar

    Using a telegram bot for free amazon products I was able to get my hands on a free led spot light. OrderMania or CollectMania on telegram allows you to apply for a position for free products, you have to make your amazon profile public readable and provide them a link to it. If you have…

  • Getting my first real 19″ server rack

    Getting my first real 19″ server rack

    Since I moved into my new flat all of my server infrastructure was in the small storage room located in my kitchen. The main problem is that the room was actually planed for storing food and drinks and all the devices produce so much heat that for example chocolate is melting! Also all the fans…

  • Moving to my last flat ever

    Moving to my last flat ever

    I have once again moved all of my server infrastructure to a new flat. But this will be my last flat moving ever. I bought this flat! It’s mine now. The storage room in the kitchen already has a very fitting IKEA Lackrack shaft: Preparing WiFi at the car One of my main problems is…